Navigating Steam Curators for Indie Game PR

In the realm of indie game marketing, the question often arises, especially for newer developers: Should you send review copies of your game to Steam Curators? If you’ve launched a game on Steam, you’re likely familiar with the influx of requests from the curator community around your game’s launch. However, for many indie developers, dealing with curators and determining the value of sending review copies can be challenging.

This article aims to dissect the value of engaging with Steam curators by examining their role, target audience, and the best practices for collaboration if they align with your game.

Understanding Steam Curators

A Steam Curator is an individual or organization that uses the Steam community platform to review and recommend games to their followers. They assist users in discovering games displayed on the Steam dashboard, offering recommendations that users might have overlooked. Anyone can become a curator, and Steam suggests curators based on the type of games they believe users are interested in.

With the Curator Connect program, Steam facilitates the process of developers sending review copies to curators through an official channel. This program allows developers to choose curators based on their audience’s gaming preferences.

The Utility of Steam Curators

Curators provide a human-driven recommendation system, bypassing Steam’s algorithm. Being endorsed by a prominent curator with a suitable audience can land your game on the front page of the Steam store, a space typically reserved for the top 5% of releases.

However, it’s crucial to note that while effective curators can significantly impact your game’s visibility, relying solely on them isn’t a comprehensive marketing strategy. Successful games require not only quality but also effective PR and marketing to reach the right audience.

From a PR and marketing perspective, while curators can be beneficial, especially if they have a significant following, they may not be as impactful as broader communication targeted at the gaming community through online media.

Should You Respond to Steam Curator Review Requests?

While legitimate and sizable curators like PC Gamer can provide visibility, it’s unlikely they’ll reach out to smaller indie developers for curator features. If large curators express interest, it’s more likely they’ll use verifiable channels to request a review copy for coverage on their primary platforms.

Beware of scam emails, as the majority of curator requests can be hard to verify. The Steam Curator Connect program is a safer way to connect with curators, but its effectiveness as a primary marketing strategy is debatable. It’s recommended to reach out personally to significant curators if they align with your audience.

Be cautious if curators request multiple keys, as it’s uncommon for even major sites to request numerous keys for an indie game. Verifying the legitimacy of curator requests is crucial to avoid potential scams.

In conclusion, for small indie developers, investing energy in reaching out to press and influencers might be more fruitful than extensively engaging with Steam curators. While the Curator Connect program can boost your game’s visibility, caution is advised due to the prevalence of key scams associated with Steam Curator interactions.